For those of you who are either new to central Florida or unfamiliar with the area around the US192 / US27 corridor this article seeks to give a brief overview of what is available in terms of “those little essentials”. Villa development is b... Viewed 5534 times.
Having looked forward to your trip to Florida for so long, planned exactly what you are going to do – which Parks to visit, how many shopping trips etc, we none of us want our holiday spoilt by an accident or sickness. Thankfully the chance f... Viewed 5338 times.
When visiting Orlando more than likely you are going to visit the theme parks. With so many parks to visit there can often be confusion on what park tickets you are going to need. You can purchase park tickets from many places, the Internet, ... Viewed 9866 times.
Planning and going on holiday is one of the most popular and exciting in the UK. It is often argued that most people get through the year better if they have already booked holiday to look forward to. If we spend most of our time planning for... Viewed 5583 times.
What do you want from a holiday, sun, yes, entertainment, yes, relaxation, yes, good food, yes, so where can you find all of these in abundance. Well let me see now, there’s Spain, France, Portugal and probably a good deal many more, but, Flo... Viewed 6160 times.
So, you have booked your holiday to Florida, paid for the flights, chosen your villa and planned what attractions you are going to visit during your stay. As the date of travel draws near you will suddenly start to think about your ‘spending ... Viewed 6872 times.
Have you ever been to Orlando and wondered what it would be like to do a twin centre holiday. Being located where it is you could not be better placed to visit other areas of Florida and maybe even another country altogether. Having been to the Orlan... Viewed 8728 times.
When I pack for my holidays I always make a list of things to take with me. I have made a list of 'must haves' and check them off as I go, this way I don't forget anything important. I have a checklist for my flight bag and another for... Viewed 63603 times.
A trip to Orlando can be very demanding on the wallet but there are plenty of things to do that cost nothing or very little and give you a breather from the parks. Water, water everywhere! There are literaly hundreds of lakes throughout the O... Viewed 6481 times.
Everything is booked , flights, car hire and accommodation… may even have an itinerary providing you with directions to your Orlando vacation home…..but how confident are you of finding your way in unfamiliar territory, driving on the ‘wrong’ si... Viewed 6519 times.
Having visited all the main theme parks over a number of years with children both young and old I have found it best to make a plan. Look before you travel at any information you have including tips from friends, the internet and so on and bri... Viewed 6000 times.
Your holiday isn’t far away and you’ve now got to pack. If packing is not your favourite task, here are a few tips which might assist you. Pack your heaviest items, for example, shoes, books and toiletries, alongside the spine of th... Viewed 9784 times.
With over 20 years experience of travelling and working for an international airline I have picked up many useful pointers. Some are obvious but often the obvious gets overlooked when a holiday seems so far away! Around three months before tr... Viewed 6778 times.
When our girls were small they delighted in their visits to Orlando and Magic Kingdom in particular. As they have got older they have come to appreciate how very much more there is to their Florida holiday. As we seem to go at different times ... Viewed 5411 times.
Visitors from the UK usually arrive in Orlando anytime between 3.00pm and Midnight. When we first started staying in a villa a late arrival meant there was only just time to pick up milk, water and biscuits (the first morning nearly always includes a... Viewed 6359 times.
When the whole family visits Disney, we all want to do different things so we often split up at a park or indeed go to different parks (park the car at one of the parks and then the others use the Disney transport which works really well). At the sta... Viewed 5979 times.
Decision made ! Planning your once in a lifetime holiday makes a lot of sense. If you plan it all you will get so much more out of it, right from when you make your decision to go sit down with the family members and make a wish list. Now you can sta... Viewed 5685 times.
If you are planning a two centre vacation, which includes Orlando and the Miami area, then you may well consider flights which bring you into West Palm Beach International Airport. You can also fly down from Orlando if you fancy a short trip to the e... Viewed 7943 times.
Travellers Cheques Dollar travellers’ cheques are accepted as readily as cash, although not always in large denominations. You may need your passport or other photo I.D. when changing money or cashing cheques. Cheques shou... Viewed 6115 times.
This is a subject, that for many travellers abroad, usually means another expense before you go, a necessity that we know we have to have, but often pay it little attention when it comes to the details. Well, after many many trips to Florid... Viewed 6007 times.
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