Florida Guide - Planning your Trip - Page 1



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Water Parks

The Healthy Travel Checklist – Part 2

REGULAR MEDS If you often have a need to take prescription medicines, such as a course of antibiotics for an infection, you may want to bring a just-in-case course. If you have been asthmatic in...
Viewed 3818 times.

The Healthy Travel Checklist – Part 1

After the excitement of booking a trip or even bore your thoughts should turn to your health your health. Here are some handy pointers on how to prepare for an adventure to a different country. MAKE A ...
Viewed 3842 times.

14 days in Orlando - what to do

14 day stays and what to do. Visiting Florida and especially Orlando area is one of the best holidays a family can have. Deciding what to do can become a real headache if you leave it until the last minute. Most people always say if g...
Viewed 4014 times.

7 days in Orlando - what to do

When staying in Orlando for less than 14 days most people will have to be very smart as to what they try and pack into their stay. With so much to do and so many places to visit, sometimes choosing what to do and where to go can be a real headache fo...
Viewed 4652 times.

The Conversion of a Florida Holiday Sceptic

Paul was not keen on driving from the airport on arrival and although we offered to pick them up he arranged for a driver and for the car to be delivered to the villa. When they arrived, the driver, who we knew, commented that he had ...
Viewed 4109 times.

When to visit Orlando

If you wish to travel to Orlando and you are not restricted to the school holidays, then the best time to travel is to avoid Easter, Christmas and the first two weeks of August. At these times the parks and the stores will be heaving with people. Viewed 3532 times.

Things you may not have thought to buy in Florida

Most people travelling to Florida will be aware or will have been told, that the shopping in America is so much cheaper than in the UK. People often plan their holiday around what they are going to buy; clothes, shoes, handbags, make-up, sun glasses ...
Viewed 9812 times.

Easing Nervous Visitors onto Theme Park Rides

I realise this may sound like a strange topic, but I expect many of you are travelling with someone who is nervous of the attractions. Some don’t like the fast motion, others don’t like being jolted and others will suffer from vertigo. ...
Viewed 5148 times.

What has Florida got for older teens and young adults?

As we’ve grown older and the appeal of meeting Mickey and friends has worn off a little, the idea of Busch Gardens and Universal’s Islands of Adventure has become more exciting. Busch Gardens has loads of huge rollercoasters including Sheikra and Mon...
Viewed 4508 times.

Preparing for you holiday to Florida

Are you looking to book your first trip to Orlando in Florida? First let me tell you about a few misconceptions. 1. Orlando is not by the sea. Many British people seem to think that Orlando is a seaside destination, whereas it is actually in...
Viewed 3730 times.

What to do in Orlando when Christmas is over

What to do in Orlando now that Christmas is over? All the decorations have come down the Christmas trees are all gone the home owners have all taken down their amazing array of lights and the shops and stores have all gone back to normal. Quite a dul...
Viewed 4163 times.

Night Time at the Parks - Part 2

Disney’s Hollywood Studios After dark, there is s magnificent laser show called Fantasmic. This is set in a vast arena with plenty of seating. A mountain has been built with a moat around it and at the beginning Micky Mouse appears dre...
Viewed 3736 times.

Night time at the Parks – Part 1

The theme parks in the day time are spectacular, but at night they really come into their own. Magic Kingdom As soon as it gets dark in the Magic Kingdom, the park comes alive with lights and trolleys selling illuminate...
Viewed 4145 times.

Handy Hints for Florida – Part 3

When to visit. If you are not locked into school holidays you have many more options on when to travel. One of the nicest months to travel is May; the weather is beautiful, not too hot and the summer storms have not yet started. It is...
Viewed 3923 times.

Handy Hints for Florida - Part 2

Wear plenty of sunblock and a hat – sunstroke is very unpleasant and can lay you up for several days in bed. I carry a light coloured umbrella, then I can use it for the sun or the occasional downpours you can get in the summer months. ...
Viewed 3620 times.

Handy hints for Florida - Part 1

First credit cards. Credit cards are the simplest and best way to pay for everything, food, entertainment, restaurant bills, shopping and such like. In the UK there are only one or two companies that allow you to use your credit card ...
Viewed 3544 times.

Things in Florida – not available in the UK

Not only are there things available in Florida that are not available in the UK, there are many things that are not available in the UK as cheaply as in Florida. A few things not available in the UK are: Constant sunshine! Salad or...
Viewed 3992 times.

A childs view of a perfect day.

This is one of the childrens' idea of a perfect day in Florida. First we get up quite late and have a swim in the pool. Then we have Lucky Charms (which I am never allowed) with sugar on and a milk shake from Mc Donald...
Viewed 3398 times.

Charter vs Scheduled Airlines - Which is best

Charter Airline v Scheduled Airline. If there is one thing people, especially from the UK, ask when booking their luxury villa in orlando, is what is he best way of getting there. For many the flight is an integral part of their holiday and as such t...
Viewed 4468 times.

Virgin Atlantic

Making a choice of what airline to fly with can be almost as important to some as booking their holiday villas. Virgin Atlantic has been operating routes into Florida for many years and offer great availability throughout the year with their services...
Viewed 5069 times.

20 articles found