Flying to Florida from….. Gatwick This is a brief guide to Gatwick airport and its facilities for anyone flying from here on their way to Orlando. Firstly I thought I might give you a short history lesson ? There has been an air... Viewed 5467 times.
Those of you who have travelled long haul know only too well that after several hours on an aircraft all you want to do is to retrieve the luggage and get to your final destination…..but first you need to pick up the car. How often, then, hav... Viewed 6284 times.
Checking-in with Virgin Atlantic – A great way to start your trip and a brilliant way to finish it! Having flown many times to Florida with Virgin Atlantic and also occasionally using the Virgin Downtown Disney check-in on the way back from Fl... Viewed 11370 times.
We frequently fly into Miami, on our way to our villa, or when we pick up a cruise, either from there, or Fort Lauderdale, and we always use the Florida Turnpike. There are often bargain flights to be had if you take the Miami option, and if you d... Viewed 61281 times.
Travelling with a baby or young child can be a nerve racking experience, especially if it is your first time on a long journey, or overseas. I am an experienced traveller, but was quite anxious when taking our son away to Florida with us for the f... Viewed 11170 times.
What shall we do to celebrate the Millennium?" That’s how it started. "Lets go to Disneyland"! "All of us together?" "Why not?" Now for a small group of lik... Viewed 6271 times.
If you are arriving at Orlando International Airport this has a rather 'strange' luggage system. After clearing US Customs, you will hand your luggage back at the collection area. For luggage collection, you proce... Viewed 9044 times.
DUTY FREE ALLOWANCES Although these have been stopped for UK travellers arriving from EEC countries, the previous duty free allowances still apply to UK travellers returning from USA. Please chec... Viewed 7105 times.
PASSPORTS & VISAS Most UK citizens will be allowed to enter the USA on the Visa Waiver Scheme - this allows you to stay for up to three months as a visitor. But please check with the American Embassy wh... Viewed 7696 times.
So you’re all set, ready to head off to Orlando for that dream vacation with the kids. Plane tickets have been purchased, you have probably packed a repacked three times already and yet your nervous and a little anxious,... Viewed 6397 times.
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