On our most recent visit to Orlando we took along my sister and brother-in- law who were very much into the natural habitats of the many species of animals, reptiles and birds that Florida has to offer. We, on the other hand, had got rather used to t... Viewed 6816 times.
When you find that you have a Friday or Saturday evening available and you feel you need a break from the World of Disney, take a journey back in time and visit Downtown Kissimmee to watch the vintage and custom car parade and enjoy the many other su... Viewed 6284 times.
Ever wondered how Florida became Florida? Well I was certainly intrigued enough to want to find out and thought I would share this in a potted history. The first native Americans, Paleo Indians, entered into Florida over 14, 000 years ago fro... Viewed 11238 times.
Of the thousands of activities available to the Floridian holiday-maker, few offer the same experience as that of the National Hockey League. Tucked away in the heart of metropolitan Tampa lies the St Petes Times Forum, home of the Tampa Bay ... Viewed 6263 times.
Independence Day is a big celebration in America and there are always lots of events taking place. This is just one suggestion of a place to visit for the afternoon and evening - Kissimmee Downtown Lakefront. And it’s totally FREE. We... Viewed 6258 times.
It is often quoted that Britain and America are separated by our common language and the more time I spend in Florida the more this becomes apparent. From the time the car rental is picked up at the start of your vacation the words ... Viewed 5301 times.
Part of Florida life and rental ownership that is not immediately obvious to holidaymakers as they make their way to their chosen villas in Orlando or along the Gulf Coast communities is that virtually all villas, and their owners, are committed to c... Viewed 6485 times.
Do you ever think of taking in a concert during your visit to the Orlando area? Some of the people we have been lucky enough to see include B B King, Meatloaf, Oasis, Jet, Gwen Stefani, Willie Nelson & Paul Rogers. Slightly unusual choice of sing... Viewed 6381 times.
Probably the single most important factor that attracts us back to Florida year on year is the weather. Florida’s Climate can be described as subtropical although odd cold spells are not unknown in the winter time. The seasons in Florida are driven m... Viewed 10188 times.
It is eighty degrees outside, the sun is shining, people are wearing shorts and tee-shirts – so why are we dressed in thick padded coats which dare as cosy as the warmest quilt? Answer - we are about to enter the fabulous Ice Show at Gaylord Palms! !... Viewed 5896 times.
After visiting Florida a couple of times a year for several years it soon becomes apparent that the “native” Floridians have various customs which separate them from us as visitors. One item is their attachment to mobile phones (or cellphones in Flor... Viewed 5863 times.
When we first visited Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, we could not help but notice the very interesting number plates on all the cars. Unlike the plain and somewhat boring number plates on UK cars, American cars show their state of origin, oft... Viewed 7507 times.
When I started writing part 1 I never thought I would still be going on part 3. It just shows how many things there are about Florida to like. Before I leave the Orlando area I have to mention the shopping. With the current exchange rate shop... Viewed 5686 times.
As I said in my previous article there are just so many things we like. The next thing we like are the restaurants. Whatever your budget there is always somewhere you can find to eat. There are the budget eateries, like Dennys, Ponderosa, Gol... Viewed 5972 times.
Friends frequently ask me why do I like Florida. They have never been themselves and were intrigued that we decided to buy a house there and therefore visit at least twice a year. I shall answer my question as a villa owner as I probably see Florida ... Viewed 6720 times.
Now you have arrived in Florida, stocked up with supplies from the shops and supermarket, it’s time to explore your home for the next few weeks and get out and about to begin your vacation adventure. The Villa (or Vacation Home! ) You’... Viewed 6768 times.
One thing that always surprises and delights me on my trips to Florida is that every time we go we learn something new. This is particularly true when it comes to the language. Yes we all speak English but there are so many words and phrases that hav... Viewed 5989 times.
Many visitors will no doubt have sampled the many delights of “Old Town” Kissimmee, the amusement, shopping and dining area, which can be found on the 192 near mile marker 9. This charming area is themed to resemble “Old Town America” and is a great ... Viewed 7662 times.
The first time we arrived in Florida from the UK, we were pleased we were going somewhere where we would be able to speak the language. However, we were surprised at the differences between British English and American English. Although the same lang... Viewed 5334 times.
On entering premises you are immediately relaxed by the cool air conditioning, a welcome drop in temperature from the 85 degrees outside. The waiting area has a wooden floor , large rug, oval wooden table with magazines. There is a complementary drin... Viewed 6705 times.
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