Our First Ever Visit to Florida - Part 15



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Florida Guide > Travelling

Our First Ever Visit to Florida - Part 15

We continued along in the river Taxi soon we could see what we assumed was Downtown Disney as we entered a large lagoon and we could see shops and lights all the way around the outside, we headed for a little landing pier that seemed close to a busy restaurant
As we got closer we could see there was a figure of a dinosaur on the outside and could make out the name this was the then world famous Rainforest café, the dinosaur head moved and it roared at a regular interval.

The river taxi pulled up alongside the lading point and we were all helped off one by one until we were all safely ashore, the driver said to have a great evening and left us with a smile, very friendly people these Americans the brother in law pointed out, I had to agree everyone had wished us to have a nice day or have a nice evening at our every meeting.

We made our way to the rainforest café and went inside there was a huge queue that was winding its way outside we asked at the desk about the waiting time for a table, the receptionist told us it would be an hour at the earliest as they were very busy and they were busy but in truth they were always busy most evening it was the place most of the kids wanted to eat on their trip to Disney.

We had a browse inside as there is a shop selling souvenirs and lots of glow in the dark things but we needed to eat and so soon left the shop as we needed to get some food after we had all had a very long day so we continued on.

There were lots of shops mostly selling Disney goods each shop seemed to be themed on one of the Disney parks selling toy and stuffed Disney characters from each of them we headed in the shops to browse a little but also to cool down as all the shops were air conditioned and it was still hot outside especially for the kids.

We came to a steamboat that was moored up and the side of the lagoon well it was built to look like a steamboat but in fact it was a purpose built restaurant that was famous for its seafood and in particular its crab and lobster dishes it was called Fulton crab house

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