Our First Ever Visit to Florida - Part 7



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Florida Guide > Travelling

Our First Ever Visit to Florida - Part 7

At last, after your long journey you have landed safely at the airport, your plane taxis along to the point at which they can attach the stand so everyone can get off and collect their luggage and passport control or more correctly immigration control.

The evitable announcement comes over the planes tannoy please will passengers remain seated with their seat belts on till the plane comes to a standstill and the seat belt sign is turned off, never fails to surprise or should that be annoy me the amount of people that totally disregard this and start getting the mobile phone from their bags etc.

The planes stops at its allocated stand and people start to unbuckle despite the seat belt sign being still illuminated, the kids look at me with that look on their face these people are being naughty dad there not supposed to get up till the captain tells them!

The seatbelt sign is turned off and it’s a free for all everyone jumps up into the crowded aisle and fights to get their bags out the locker and get the rest of their belonging too I don’t know why because there only one door out of the plane and it's always several minutes till the door is opened.

The door opens and slowly the queue starts to move…. time for us to get out of our seats get everything and everyone together, have you got all your things kids your Gameboys? your virgin satchel? Colouring books?

With everything together its time to make our move minute later we are shuffling past the stewardesses saying goodbye thanks for everything etc. and then we are in the walkway off the plane and into the arrivals area.

Where do we get our cases dad? asks the kids, oh not yet I tell them we have to go through the immigration control, we have to be checked by the airport please to make sure were are not bad people or anything.

Are they really police? they ask well yes they make sure that you look like the picture in your passport and that you have filled in all the letters for your holiday correctly they don’t want to let any bad or naughty people into their country.

Do they have guns dad? they ask. Yes they do have guns not like the police in our country now remember you have to behave and be good boys whilst we wait to get through

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