Boggy Creek Air Boat Rides



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Florida Guide > Days Out

Boggy Creek Air Boat Rides

Most people who have travelled or travelling to Florida will have heard of The Everglades and the fantastic Airboat Rides on offer to go and see some of Florida’s best wildlife.

Well if you can’t travel south to the Everglades don’t despair, as the Orlando Area has Boggy Creek Airboat Rides as an excellent alternative. Based at 2 sites, Boggy Creek can offer the same thrilling rides in the same typical Florida surroundings while spotting the abundance of wildlife.

Boggy Creek run Airboat Rides approximately every ½ hour, there is no pre-booking system, although you can buy your tickets prior to your Florida arrival. You simply turn up at the location and check in. Your waiting time for the boat ride will be very short, you will be allocated your seats and once they are ready off you go.

The boat holds up to a maximum of 16 people, in the winter months a fleece or something to wear over a t-shirt is a must even if it is a sunny day, the summer months are warm enough for shirts only. You are also handed ear protectors as the noise from the fan is very load.

Once everybody is seated the pilot will guide the boat out from the dock and of you go into the vast water plains, engine noise raising and the boat gaining speed.

The main reason we did this boat ride was to see Alligators in the wild and fortunately the experienced pilots know where to look. We were very fortunate to see 3 – 4 gators relaxing in the shade only a few feet from the boat. It certainly raises your awareness being this close but the pilot also reassures you that you are totally safe. You are given a short lecture on how the Gators live and survive in their habitat, things they eat and various other facts that all add to your Airboat experience.

As well as Gators, you will see a host of other wild life, we were fortunate to see Raccoons, a couple of Bald Eagles the symbol of America along with Herons, and various other birds.

The pilot will also show you little tricks that he will perform with boat. Hang onto your hats as at high speed he will spin it in a 360 degree turn, fly along the edge of the water watching birds take flight and animals run into the dense woodland.

A trip on the Airboat is a ride into Florida as it would have been in its original state, quiet, peaceful and full of Florida Wildlife.

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